The Gilded Age

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acquaintance or friend.  
Love, travel, even death itself, waited on the chances of the dies daily  
thrown in the two Houses, and the committee rooms there. If the measure  
went through, love could afford to ripen into marriage, and longing for  
foreign travel would have fruition; and it must have been only eternal  
hope springing in the breast that kept alive numerous old claimants who  
for years and years had besieged the doors of Congress, and who looked as  
if they needed not so much an appropriation of money as six feet of  
ground. And those who stood so long waiting for success to bring them  
death were usually those who had a just claim.  
Representing states and talking of national and even international  
affairs, as familiarly as neighbors at home talk of poor crops and the  
extravagance of their ministers, was likely at first to impose upon  
Philip as to the importance of the people gathered here.  
There was a little newspaper editor from Phil's native town, the  
assistant on a Peddletonian weekly, who made his little annual joke about  
the "first egg laid on our table," and who was the menial of every  
tradesman in the village and under bonds to him for frequent "puffs,"  
except the undertaker, about whose employment he was recklessly  
facetious. In Washington he was an important man, correspondent, and  
clerk of two house committees, a "worker" in politics, and a confident  
critic of every woman and every man in Washington. He would be a consul  
no doubt by and by, at some foreign port, of the language of which he was  

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