The Gilded Age

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--no, he only said, "Good God!" and looked greatly astonished.  
Laura handed him her commonplace-book and called his attention to the  
fact that the handwriting there and the handwriting of this speech were  
the same. He was shortly convinced. He laid the book aside and said,  
Well, the wonderful tragedy is done, and it transpires that I am  
indebted to you for my late eloquence. What of it? What was all this  
for and what does it amount to after all? What do you propose to do  
about it?"  
Oh nothing. It is only a bit of pleasantry. When I overheard that  
conversation I took an early opportunity to ask Mr. Buckstone if he knew  
of anybody who might want a speech written--I had a friend, and so forth  
and so on. I was the friend, myself; I thought I might do you a good  
turn then and depend on you to do me one by and by. I never let Mr.  
Buckstone have the speech till the last moment, and when you hurried off  
to the House with it, you did not know there was a missing page, of  
course, but I did.  
"And now perhaps you think that if I refuse to support your bill, you  
will make a grand exposure?"  
Well I had not thought of that. I only kept back the page for the mere  
fun of the thing; but since you mention it, I don't know but I might do  

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