The Gilded Age

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"Your instinct is correct. I did want you--I do want you to vote for  
"Vote for a fr--for a measure which is generally believed to be at least  
questionable? I am afraid we cannot come to an understanding, Miss  
No, I am afraid not--if you have resumed your principles, Mr. Trollop."  
Did you send for we merely to insult me? It is time for me to take my  
leave, Miss Hawkins."  
"No-wait a moment. Don't be offended at a trifle. Do not be offish and  
unsociable. The Steamship Subsidy bill was a fraud on the government.  
You voted for it, Mr. Trollop, though you always opposed the measure  
until after you had an interview one evening with a certain Mrs. McCarter  
at her house. She was my agent. She was acting for me. Ah, that is  
right--sit down again. You can be sociable, easily enough if you have a  
mind to. Well? I am waiting. Have you nothing to say?"  
"Miss Hawkins, I voted for that bill because when I came to examine into  
"Ah yes. When you came to examine into it. Well, I only want you to  
examine into my bill. Mr. Trollop, you would not sell your vote on that  
subsidy bill--which was perfectly right--but you accepted of some  

437 438 439 440 441

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