The Gilded Age

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She at first said she knew Mr. Trollop, "and was aware that he had a  
Blank-Blank;"--[**Her private figure of speech for Brother--or  
Son-in-law]--but Mr. Buckstone said that he was not able to conceive what  
so curious a phrase as Blank-Blank might mean, and had no wish to pry  
into the matter, since it was probably private, he "would nevertheless  
venture the blind assertion that nothing would answer in this particular  
case and during this particular session but to be exceedingly wary and  
keep clear away from Mr. Trollop; any other course would be fatal."  
It seemed that nothing could be done. Laura was seriously troubled.  
Everything was looking well, and yet it was plain that one vigorous and  
determined enemy might eventually succeed in overthrowing all her plans.  
A suggestion came into her mind presently and she said:  
"Can't you fight against his great Pension bill and, bring him to terms?"  
"Oh, never; he and I are sworn brothers on that measure; we work in  
harness and are very loving--I do everything I possibly can for him  
there. But I work with might and main against his Immigration bill,  
--as pertinaciously and as vindictively, indeed, as he works against our  
University. We hate each other through half a conversation and are all  
affection through the other half. We understand each other. He is an  
admirable worker outside the capitol; he will do more for the Pension  
bill than any other man could do; I wish he would make the great speech  

431 432 433 434 435

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