The Gilded Age

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encouraging him--and then throwing him off, and finally his belief that  
she would go, to the bad if something was not done to arouse her from her  
infatuation. He wished Philip was in Washington. He knew Laura, and she  
had a great respect for his character, his opinions, his judgment.  
Perhaps he, as an uninterested person whom she would have some  
confidence, and as one of the public, could say some thing to her that  
would show her where she stood.  
Philip saw the situation clearly enough. Of Laura he knew not much,  
except that she was a woman of uncommon fascination, and he thought  
from what he had seen of her in Hawkeye, her conduct towards him and  
towards Harry, of not too much principle. Of course he knew nothing of her  
history; he knew nothing seriously against her, and if Harry was  
desperately enamored of her, why should he not win her if he could.  
If, however, she had already become what Harry uneasily felt she might  
become, was it not his duty to go to the rescue of his friend and try to  
save him from any rash act on account of a woman that might prove to be  
entirely unworthy of him; for trifler and visionary as he was, Harry  
deserved a better fate than this.  
Philip determined to go to Washington and see for himself. He had other  
reasons also. He began to know enough of Mr. Bolton's affairs to be  
uneasy. Pennybacker had been there several times during the winter, and  
he suspected that he was involving Mr. Bolton in some doubtful scheme.  
Pennybacker was in Washington, and Philip thought he might perhaps find  
out something about him, and his plans, that would be of service to Mr.  

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