159 | 160 | 161 | 162 | 163 |
1 | 75 | 151 | 226 | 301 |
him take a toot at it. It's his turn next, he forgot, too, last night.
I'm laying for him."
One of the negro women came scrambling down stairs as pale as a sorrel
horse with consternation and excitement:
Misto Marsh, Misto Allen's skipped out!"
Yes-sah, and cleaned out his room clean; tuck bofe towels en de soap!"
You lie, you hussy!"
It's jes' so, jes' as I tells you--en Misto Summer's socks is gone, en
Misto Naylor's yuther shirt."
Mr. Marsh was at boiling point by this time. He turned upon Tracy:
Answer up now--when are you going to settle?"
To-day--since you seem to be in a hurry."
To-day is it? Sunday--and you out of work? I like that. Come--where
are you going to get the money?"
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