206 | 207 | 208 | 209 | 210 |
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The 1918 Fanny Farmer Cookbook
gradually one and one−half cups cream and one tablespoon meat extract. Season with salt and
cayenne, and add lobster coral and one−half cup lobster dice.
Baked Shad Roe with Tomato Sauce
Cook shad roe fifteen minutes in boiling salted water to cover, with one−half tablespoon
vinegar; drain, cover with cold water, and let stand five minutes. Remove from cold water,
place on buttered pan with three−fourths cup Tomato Sauce I or II. Bake twenty minutes in
oven, basting every five minutes. Remove to a platter, and pour around three−fourths cup
Tomato Sauce.
Baked Fillets of Bass or Halibut
Cut bass or halibut into small fillets, sprinkle with salt and pepper, put into a shallow pan,
with buttered paper, and bake twelve minutes in hot oven. Arrange on a rice border, garnish
with parsley, and serve with Hollandaise Sauce II.
Fillets of Halibut with Brown Sauce
Cut a slice of halibut weighing one and one−half pounds in eight short fillets, sprinkle with
and pepper, put in greased pan, and bake five minutes; drain, pour over one and one−half cups
Brown Sauce I, cover with one−half cup buttered cracker crumbs, and bake.
Fillets of Haddock, White Wine Sauce
Skin a three and one−half pound haddock, and cut in fillets. Arrange in buttered baking−pan,
pour around fish three tablespoons melted butter, three−fourths cup white wine to which has
been added one−half tablespoon lemon juice, and two slices onion. Cover and bake. Melt two
tablespoons butter, add two tablespoons flour, and pour on liquor drained from fish; then add
one−half cup Fish Stock (made from head, tail, and bones of fish), two tablespoons heavy
cream, yolks two eggs, salt, and pepper. Remove fillets to serving dish, pour over sauce
strained through cheesecloth, and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.
Halibut à la Poulette
A slice of halibut,
weighing 11/2 lbs.
/8 teaspoon
Chapter XI − FISH
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