189 | 190 | 191 | 192 | 193 |
1 | 61 | 121 | 182 | 242 |
were, of course, compelled to carry all the camp equipage and loot and thus
heavily burdened, half starved and without water, they soon commenced to die
like flies.
"We had not been in the desert land long before the Arabs were forced to kill their
horses for food, and when we reached the first gorge, across which it would have
been impossible to transport the animals, the balance of them were slaughtered
and the meat loaded upon the poor staggering blacks who still survived.
Thus we continued for two more days and now all but a handful of blacks were
dead, and the Arabs themselves had commenced to succumb to hunger and
thirst and the intense heat of the desert. As far as the eye could reach back
toward the land of plenty from whence we had come, our route was marked by
circling vultures in the sky and by the bodies of the dead who lay down in the
trackless waste for the last time. The ivory had been abandoned tusk by tusk as
the blacks gave out, and along the trail of death was strewn the camp equipage
and the horse trappings of a hundred men.
"For some reason the Arab chief favored me to the last, possibly with the idea that
of all his other treasures I could be most easily transported, for I was young and
strong and after the horses were killed I had walked and kept up with the best of
the men. We English, you know, are great walkers, while these Arabians had
never walked since they were old enough to ride a horse.
"I cannot tell you how much longer we kept on but at last, with our strength
almost gone, a handful of us reached the bottom of a deep gorge. To scale the
opposite side was out of the question and so we kept on down along the sands of
what must have been the bed of an ancient river, until finally we came to a point
where we looked out upon what appeared to be a beautiful valley in which we felt
assured that we would find game in plenty.
"By then there were only two of us left--the chief and myself. I do not need to tell
you what the valley was, for you found it in much the same way as I did. So
quickly were we captured that it seemed they must have been waiting for us, and
I learned later that such was the case, just as they were waiting for you.
"As you came through the forest you must have seen the monkeys and parrots
and since you have entered the palace, how constantly these animals, and the
lions, are used in the decorations. At home we were all familiar with talking
parrots who repeated the things that they were taught to say, but these parrots
are different in that they all talk in the same language that the people of the city
use, and they say that the monkeys talk to the parrots and the parrots fly to the
city and tell the people what the monkeys say. And, although it is hard to believe,
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