133 | 134 | 135 | 136 | 137 |
1 | 101 | 201 | 302 | 402 |
To 4 dozen bottles of wine, ....................... 48.00
814.--To 120 acres of corn on Alabama River, ............ 9,500.00
To crops of peas, fodder, etc. .................... 3,250.00
Total, ..........................34,952.00
To interest on $22,202, from July 1813
to November 1860, 47 years and 4 months, .......63,053.68
To interest on $12,750, from September
814 to November 1860, 46 years and 2 months, ..35,317.50
Total, ........................ 133,323.18
He puts everything in this time. He does not even allow that the Indians
destroyed the crockery or drank the four dozen bottles of (currant) wine.
When it came to supernatural comprehensiveness in "gobbling," John B.
Floyd was without his equal, in his own or any other generation.
Subtracting from the above total the $67,000 already paid to
George Fisher's implacable heirs, Mr. Floyd announced that the government
was still indebted to them in the sum of sixty-six thousand five hundred
and nineteen dollars and eighty-five cents, "which," Mr. Floyd
complacently remarks, "will be paid, accordingly, to the administrator of
the estate of George Fisher, deceased, or to his attorney in fact."
But, sadly enough for the destitute orphans, a new President came in just
at this time, Buchanan and Floyd went out, and they never got their
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